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FREE\\\\ Serial Number Eusing Registry Cleaner
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Registry cleaners are not supported by Microsoft, but vendors of registry cleaners claim that they are useful to repair inconsistencies arising from manual changes to applications, especially COM-based programs.
Registry cleaners have been used as a vehicle by a number of trojan applications to install malware, typically through social engineering attacks that use website pop-up ads or free downloads that falsely report problems that can be "rectified" by purchasing or downloading a Registry cleaner.[9] The worst of the breed are products that advertise and encourage a "free" Registry scan; however, the user typically finds the product has to be purchased for a substantial sum, before it will effect any of the anticipated "repairs". The rogue security software "WinFixer" including Registry cleaners has been ranked as one of the most prevalent pieces of malware currently in circulation.[10]
Most Registry cleaners cannot repair scenarios such as undeletable Registry keys caused by embedded null characters in their names; only specialized tools such as the RegDelNull utility (part of the free Sysinternals software) are able to do this.[16]
Remember, a registry cleaner program is not a regular PC maintenance tool. Registry cleaners don't typically speed up your computer or provide any other day-to-day improvements to your PC. Registry cleaners should only be used to help solve specific kinds of problems.
Simple Key is a free utility for finding your serial numbers stored somewhere in the Windows Registry, but is limited in the number of supported programs and features. Simple Key supports more than 475 programs, including newest versions of popular softwares.